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Kicking off - one idea two charities

Prostate Cancer and MND are both fielding similar awareness campaigns centred round football; Football v MND and Men United.

The first out was vMND which is done on the cheap - mostly local fundraising and awareness relying on their website and twitter to promote the charity. There have been several club matches raising money with ads featured in programmes and centred round a footballer with the disease.

The second - Men United for Prostrate cancer is a very well considered integrated campaign with a TV ad featuring Bill Bailey and major league footballers, there are inserts, press ads, emails and social media. It's a very cleaver way of adding to the 'Movember' fundraising and awareness (which is a seperate charity) and still appealing primerily to men.

Does it matter the two overlap? I don't think so; Men United is a Premier League campaign and MNDA are not even at the Conference level of awareness.

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